I’m an avid investor in a number of brands, especially those that can change the game and help us create a more sustainable future.

Over the years, due to my focus in helping CPG brands grow, I have had the privilege of being presented with brands that have really spoken to me. Be it their creative distinction, their team dynamic, brand founder stories, or their willingness to take a chance in the wild world of consumer packaged goods—I am proud to be able to support them and look forward to supporting more CPG brands in the future. Specifically, I have an affinity for women-owned, BIPOC, and brands looking to make a difference in the world.

Current Investments


Current Investments • 

Owned Brands:
BitterLove & SONDER

Relevant Brands, Inc founded Bitter Love, launched in 2018, was remastered in 2023, and SONDER, established in 2023 is the brainchild of myself and my two co-founders, Karen Farrell and Leah Gootkind.

All experts in our fields of marketing, sales, brokerage, launch, herbals, brand and “better for you” CPG we wanted to create new flavors and function, with real ingredients that we felt good about giving our families. Relevant Brands is both a brand development and brand incubator which allows us to bring to consumers what we feel is missing in market today.